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, (right) modules 3.2
    additive closure 3.2
    admissible ideals 3.1
    algebras 3.1
    arrow ideal 3.1
    collected list 6.1
    composition series 3.2
    element (of a collected list) 6.1
    finite representation type 3.2
    indecomposable modules 3.2
    injective modules 3.2
    isomorphism type of a module 3.2
    multiplicity (of an element of a collected list) 6.1
    path algebras 3.1
    paths in a quiver 3.1
    paths in an algebra 3.1
    pin (= projective, injective, nonuniserial) modules 3.4
    projective modules 3.2
    quiver algebra 5.1
    quiver algebras 3.1
    quivers 3.1
    representations of quivers 3.2
    simple modules 3.2
    special biserial algebras, abstractly 3.4
    special biserial algebras, in GAP 2.1
    string graphs 3.5
    string modules 3.5
    syzygy repetition index of a module 3.3-2
    syzygy type and index of a module 3.3-2
    tame representation type 3.2
    uniserial modules 3.2
    wild representation type 3.2
1RegQuivIntAct 5.2-4
1RegQuivIntActionFunction 5.2-5
2RegAugmentationOfQuiver 5.3-2
ARInverseTranslateOfStrip 4.5-11
ArrowsOfQuiverAlgebra 5.4-2
ARTranslateOfStrip 4.5-10
CollectedFiltered 6.1-12
CollectedLength 6.1-8
CollectedListElementwiseFunction 6.1-10
CollectedListElementwiseListValuedFunction 6.1-11
CollectedNthSyzygyOfStrip, for strips 4.5-4
CollectedSyzygyOfStrip, for strips 4.5-3
DefiningQuiverOfQuiverAlgebra 5.4-5
DeloopingLevelOfSBAlgIfAtMostN 4.6-2
DeloopingLevelOfStripIfAtMostN 4.5-15
DirectSumModuleOfListOfStrips, for a (flat) list of strips 4.5-6
    for a collected list of strips 4.5-6
DOfStrip 4.5-8
DTrOfStrip 4.5-10
ElementsOfCollectedList 6.1-4
FieldOfQuiverAlgebra 5.4-4
IndecInjectiveStripsOfSBAlg 4.3-5
IndecProjectiveStripsOfSBAlg 4.3-4
InfoSBStrips 1.5-1
Is1RegQuiver 5.2-1
Is2RegAugmentationOfQuiver 5.3-3
Is2RegQuiver 5.3-1
IsCollectedDuplicateFreeList 6.1-2
IsCollectedHomogeneousList 6.1-3
IsCollectedList 6.1-1
IsCollectedSublist 6.1-9
IsFiniteSyzygyTypeStripByNthSyzygy 4.5-13
IsIndecInjectiveStrip 4.4-4
IsIndecProjectiveStrip 4.4-3
IsStripDirectSummand 4.5-7
IsWeaklyPeriodicStripByNthSyzygy 4.5-14
IsZeroStrip 4.4-2
ModuleOfStrip 4.5-5
MultiplicityOfElementInCollectedList 6.1-5
NthSyzygyOfStrip, for strips 4.5-2
OppositeStrip 4.5-8
OriginalSBQuiverOf2RegAugmentation 5.3-4
PathBySourceAndLength 5.2-2
PathByTargetAndLength 5.2-3
PathOneArrowLongerAtSource 5.4-6
PathOneArrowLongerAtTarget 5.4-6
PathOneArrowShorterAtSource 5.4-6
PathOneArrowShorterAtTarget 5.4-6
Recollected 6.1-6
RetractionOf2RegAugmentation 5.3-5
SBStripsExampleAlgebra A.1-1
SimpleStripsOfSBAlg 4.3-1
String, for paths of length at least 2 5.4-1
Stripify, for a path of a special biserial algebra 4.2-1
    for an arrow, +/-1 and a list of integers 4.2-1
SuspensionOfStrip 4.5-12
SyzygyOfStrip, for strips 4.5-1
TestInjectiveStripsUpToNthSyzygy 4.6-1
TransposeOfStrip 4.5-9
TrDOfStrip 4.5-11
TrOfStrip 4.5-9
Uncollected 6.1-7
UniserialStripsOfSBAlg 4.3-2
VectorSpaceDualOfStrip 4.5-8
VerticesOfQuiverAlgebra 5.4-3
WidthNStripsOfSBAlg 4.3-3
WidthOfStrip 4.4-1
WithoutProjectiveStrips 4.5-16

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